(Spring 2024) MATH 3952 Undergraduate Math Seminar

Quantum Information Theory

Though I've not given all of the talks, I have type-set all of the following notes as attached PDFs (proper credits were given to the presenters on the top of the notes).
Organizer: Patrick Lei; Name of the Course: MATH 3952 Undergraduate Math Seminar (Homepage)
Main textbook source: qubit guide

Date Topics Scribe Notes
2024-01-29 Math Backgrounds & Quantum Interference (Single Qubit) Talk 1, Talk 2
2024-02-05 Qubits Talk 1, Talk 2
2024-02-12 Quantum Gates Talk 1, Talk 2
2024-02-19 Measurements Talk 1, Talk 2
2024-02-26 Entanglement Talk 1, Talk 2
2024-03-04 Bell's Theorem Talk 1, Talk 2
2024-03-18 Stabilizers Talk 1, Talk 2

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